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Dashing Diva Magic Off Review
Wondering how to easily remove press on nails? Looking for the solution to removing press on nails at home? Inside is a review of a product that can help!
Easy DIY Nail Polish Remover Pads
Wondering what to use instead of cotton pads to remove polish? Use the pads you made yourself! Inside is a quick how-to for making nail polish remover pads.
When should you throw away nail polish?
Wondering when to toss your polish? While nail polish can last for years when stored properly, the signs to look for are inside -
How To Properly Store Your Nail Polish
Wondering how to store nail polish properly at home? Inside, learn how to keep the nail polish bottles in your collection from drying out -
How To Recycle Nail Polish
Nail Polish Recycling Ideas. Learn how to recycle your nail polish bottles and how to dispose of your nail polish inside this post.
How To Get Rid Of Nail Polish Bubbles
Why do tiny bubbles appear when polish dries? In this post, learn why this happens, a fix for nail polish bubbles and how to prevent them.
How To Make Nail Polish Last Longer
Limited edition nail polishes no more! 5 tips to extend the lifespan of your bottle of nail polish are inside.