7 Pregnancy Safe Nail Polish Brands

Image of woman in grey sweater with pregnancy belly by fezailc from Pixabay

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Good news! It’s generally considered safe to paint your nails during pregnancy since the exposure to the ingredients in polish is so small.

That said, even at small exposure levels there are some ingredients you’d be wise to avoid.

For example, formaldehyde is linked to miscarriage and cancer. Toluene is linked to birth defects and phthalates are a developmental toxin. 

It’s worth noting that you want to watch for phthalates in all beauty products, as they are liberally used across the cosmetics industry.

Derivatives of formaldehyde are still used, even by mainstream brands, as are toluenes and phthalates. So, since some corporations still say yes to these chemicals, despite known risks, it’s you that has to make a different choice.

Thankfully, there are nail polish brands out there that are mindful of these toxic ingredients and they do not include them or their derivatives.

Below are 7 pregnancy safe nail polish brands:

Photo of pink pregnancy dress with pink manicure by Carlos Santiago on Pexels with text overlay 7 Pregnancy Safe Nail Polish Brands

1 - Huella Beauty

Made in the USA, vegan and 15-free, Huella Beauty polishes are formulated without harmful ingredients. They’re also available in some of the most beautiful bottles in the industry.

2 - Londontown

Londontown polishes are 16-21+ free, vegan, PETA certified, gluten-free.

Their formulations are not only made without toxic ingredients, they also include a botanical complex designed to nourish the nails. The Londontown colors are designed to be “care while you wear.”

3 - Manucurist

Manucurist polishes are 12-free, Made in France and vegan, this brand is home to the first non-toxic gel manicure system, called Green Flash. Gel polish is also considered generally safe to use during pregnancy. 

4 - Zoya

Zoya is Made in the USA, vegan and 10-free. The Zoya brand is one of the oldest eco-friendly brands on the market - they first launched in 1986. So if you’re looking for a stable, time-tested investment, Zoya would be the perfect fit.

5 - Nails Inc.

Founded in 1999, this British brand offers vegan, cruelty-free and up to 21-free nail products. One of their signature products is their 45 Second Speedy Gloss, which is a quick drying formula; unique for a clean brand.

One of my favorite elements of this brand is the cute little gift boxes they put their polishes in.

6 - JINsoon

JINsoon is a more premium brand and they are Made in the USA, cruelty free, vegan and 21-free. 

Because they’re free of not only the standard toxic ingredients, but also the emergent toxins that are newly being considered risky, like Ethyl Tosylamide and synthetic fragrances, they are considered to be pregnancy safe.

7  - Mineral Fusion

Founded in 2007, this vegan, cruelty-free,16-free nail polish brand is the first clean nail polish brand I ever invested in as it’s one of the most popular clean nail polishes featured in natural grocery stores.

Shop Mineral Fusion Nail Polish
Photo of pregnancy belly with yellow top by Matilda Wormwood on Pexels 

To end, even though researchers believe the exposure level to nail polish ingredients is so small, that ingredients like Toluene, Dibutyl phthalate and Formaldehyde are not likely to harm the baby, playing it safe is a smart thing to do.

Plus, even if your exposure is small, what about the exposure of the factory workers who make the polish? Or the people who make the ingredients?

When painting your nails, having the peace of mind that you can have beauty, without compromising the health of yourself, your baby or anyone involved can make a big difference. 

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